
Growatt AXE 5.0L Batterie Modul zum Nachrüsten

Artikelnummer: GR_AXE_5.0L
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Gewicht 48 kg
Größe 65 × 35 × 16,5 cm

10 Jahre




München (Abholer ohne Versandkosten!)

Artikelnummer: GR_AXE_5.0L
Kategorien: , Schlagwort: Marke:

Growatt AXE 5.0L (5kWh)  48V Batterie Einzelmodul zum Nachrüsten

Passt für Growatt SPH 4600 1-phasig oder SPF 6000ES.

Bis zu 10 Batteriemodule auf einer Podest.


Einfache Installation
– Dreißigminütige Installation

– Gestaffelte Installation ohne Kabelverbindung

– Automatische Modulerkennung

Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit
– Kobaltfreie LiFePO4-Batterie

– Hohe Zyklenfestigkeit und lange Lebensdauer

– Softstart zum Vermeiden von Überspannungen im System

– Garantie auf das gesamte System

Smart O&M
– Automatisches Aufwachen bei Unterspannung

– Ferndiagnose und Upgrade

Each AXE 5.0L consists of 100Ah cells which form 51.2V voltage battery module and
sixteen serial connection (1P16S). A single cluster can connect up to 10 batteries in
parallel, and up to 8 clusters in parallel to expand the capacity and power of the energy
storage system. The same type of cell and the same software version of the PACK can be
used in parallel. Specifically, the AXE battery system powers the loads through PCS at
nighttime without solar; when solar becomes available during daytime, solar energy
powers the loads as a priority and store residual solar power into the AXE batter system.

AXE 5.0L is an energy storage unit composed of electrochemical cells, switch button,
battery management unit, power and signal terminals, and mechanical parts.
It features better charge and discharge performance, more precise status monitor, longer
cycle life, and less self-discharge loss than other batteries.
The scalability is very strong, a single cluster can connect up to 10 batteries in parallel,
and up to 8 clusters in parallel to expand the capacity and power of the energy storage
The whole battery system communicates to Power Conversion System (PCS) via CAN.
Ø Monitoring: voltage, current and temperature detection of both single cells and PACK.
Ø Protection and Alarm: protection and alarm when overvoltage, under voltage, over
current, over-temperature or under temperature occurs. See Appendix I for details.
Ø Report: report all alarm and status data to PCS.
Ø Power off triggered by fault: PACK and PCS communication drop for 25 minutes or
under voltage protection for 2 minutes.

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Growatt New Energy GmbH
Max-Planck-Str. 36
61381 Friedrichsdorf
WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE: 68511564


Growatt AXE LV Speicher
Growatt Batteries Compatibility List

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