Jinko 440W N-Type Glas-Glas Bifazial All Black

Artikelnummer: JKM440N-54HL4R-BDB
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Gewicht 25,4 kg
Größe 176,2 × 113,4 × 3 cm

25 Jahre




Rotterdam (NUR Versand)

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Artikelnummer: JKM440N-54HL4R-BDB
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Jinko 440W N-Type Glas-Glas Bifazial All Black

Artikelnummer: JKM440N-54HL4R-BDB

Erhöhte Ästhetik, verstärkte Leistung

Schwarzes Silizium, Busbar und dunkle Zellen für verbesserte Optik
2,0 mm dickes Glas für überlegene mechanische Leistung, Feuer- und Hagelbeständigkeit.
Bis zu 445 W Leistung, 5 W mehr als die vorherige Generation
25-Jahre Produktgarantie sowie 30 Jahre Leistungsgarantie für die höchsten Ansprüche Zuverlässigkeit
Vielseitige Anwendungen und zahlreiche weitere Vorteile

Jinko440W N-Type Glas-Glas Bifazial All Black

For the electrical design, please find the main electrical parameters shown in the datasheet and product label. – Modules must be installed and connected with the foam tube removed first. JinKoSolar does not guarantee the safety of the product or the consistency of the technical parameters if the connectors and tools used are not officially designated by JinKoSolar or are not installed according to specifications. – Modules can be connected both in series or in parallel,reasonable design is required according to the system configuration. In any case, string size (quantity of modules that can be connected together, in series/parallel) must be calculated taking into consideration local regulations, chosen inverter and project location (environmental conditions, which may vary from STC). This must be done by qualified professionals. – When modules are in series, the string voltage is the sum of each module individual voltage. Modules with different electrical parameters must not be connected in series. String voltage must not be higher than the maximum permitted system voltage, as well as inverter’s maximum input voltage and other electrical devices that may be installed in the system. To assure this, we recommend calculating the open circuit voltage of the array at the lowest expected ambient temperature of the project location, by using the following formula:

Jinko 440W N-Type Glas-Glas Bifazial All Black

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JKM425 445N 54HL4R BDB

Versand Hinweis

Zusätzliche Option bei Spedition:
*Kleine LKW + 180€
*LKW mit Hebebühne +160€
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